
Saturday 26 March 2011

Media and Individual

The role of modern institutions in the 21st century is rapidly changing of which ''media'' enjoys an immense prestige because of it role and character. Dissemination of knowledge is still a problem in the Third World countries which also needs to be up-dated regularly. The complexity of life affirms this assertion as we witness in the daily routine of an individual. The urge to be up-dated paves the way for attainment and the desire to remain in the game is a sign of accomplishment for an individual.
   Knowledge in this perspective may be divided into three levels. Firstly, to know something as per one's requirement: Secondly, the ability to understand what you require and thirdly what one thing must do with the rest of the information.
   I  must clarify out thing from the outset that information is the term which is replacing knowledge. Information to me is a shorter version of knowledge. To know something is the basic question which is strengthened with the development of electronic and print media. The development and all embracing reach of media drastically changed the very thinking of an ordinary person. Thinking and rethinking process among the individuals is never an easy effort and we develop conclusions too soon and too early.these  conclusions are developed in most cases by each group without understanding the common truth and proficiency in that particular area.
The ability to understand the currents of remaining information is also important as Bacon once said. '' Some books are to be swallowed, some to be chewed and some to be digested.''
  This information is always gathered and disseminated with the frame of reference of common
individuals. The target reader/audience/viewer must also have some traits to digest it properly. The basic goal of media should be to provide information. Keeping in view the intellectual level of an individual, another goal should be to-grade his or her level of understanding of the required data. But the second course of action is not easy to achieve which leaves us with no choice but to entrust the institution of ''Media'' to the responsibility of gradual enlightenment.
  The present century is the century of rapid progress and development and media is no exception to this rule. Media is this context plays an effective role both for the individual and society.

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