
Tuesday 22 March 2011


Every person has different views but I think that feudalism is not only the main cause of failure of a society but it also destroys the democracy. It creates autocracy.
        ''Feudalism is a blind law, in which every person is a slave and he is a prisoner of the unjust society's rules. People are bound to spend their lives miserably and have no freedom to decide and think freely. In other words, only few individuals make laws for the whole lot of people and people are bound to follow there laws. Poverty is rampant in such a system.
      In the past many countries were affected by the malaise of feudalism. But Pakistan is still not free from the traces of feudalism. Unfortunately we can witness these traces in the arena of social values , economics setup, education and politics.
  The solution of this deeply entrenched problem is to make people free from the feudalism culture and they should be given proper education so that they should act freely and enjoy the benefits of liberty.
   For this it is essential that people should adhere to the temporal and spiritual values of Islam which can act as a binding force in our fragmented society.

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