
Wednesday 23 March 2011

Amazing But True

  •  To make just one spoonful of money, bees have to visit about 5000 flowers.
  •  In medieval times the wives used to store their tears in jars while their husbands were away fighting in the crusades. The amount of tears collected was a symbol of the woman's love and devotion to her her husband. Many women cheated by filling the jars with salty water.
  • The 17th king of Poland , John III, was born, crowned, and married on 17th June and he also died on 17th June.
  •  In 1969 a two storied church was built on an oak tree in france.
  • There is a town called ''A'' in sweden.
  •  An English Sentence which includes all the letters of English alphabets is the ''quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog''.
  •  George I, who was the king of England from 1715 to 1725, could not speak English but only German language.
  • Statistics prove that deaf people live longer than hearing people.

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