
Thursday 31 March 2011

The Winner's Guide to success: An Extract from ''The Reader's Digest''

 1. Take full Responsibility            Never blame others for your failures, lead your own life. Your credo should be ''Is it to be, it's up to me''.
Future lay in your own hands. Control your own thoughts and actions.
Never provide someone a chance when you say
'' you  have more control over my life than i do ''

2.   Live Life  ''ON PURPOSE''
      Having a purpose in your life is that most important element of becoming a fully functioning person.

3. Write out a Plan
     Write down as action plan. '' Goals that are not in writing are not goals at all. They are merely fantasies.

4. Be Willing to Pay the Price
    Never get afraid.

5. Become an Expert
    Remember if someone video taped you at your job to make a how to tape for other people- would  you be proud of the tape or embarrassed.

6. Never Give up
    you must stick to your goal and willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.
Have power of perseverance. Do everything which brings you closer to your goal. 

7. Don't delay
     We are not here forever - but never take it as negative or depressing. 
Great people use the knowledge to spur themselves on.
  Do every thing/goal in time energetically and passionately to accomplish your dreams.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Code of Ethics: Responsibilites of a Teacher

    Teacher should:
  • Treat his students justly and have no bias against them
  • Appreciate the students
  • Respect for every teacher and student
  • Give importance to the basic responsibilities of the students
  • Discuss controversial matter in his/her class with objectivity
  • Apply for the certain job only on the basis of academics
  • cooperate in preparation and obedience of positive rules
  • Actively participate in professional organizations
  • Develop himself professionally through continuous study
  • Be punctual
  • Plan lesson before teaching
  • Avoid irrelevant discussion 
  • Individually attend the weak students
  • Participate in curricular and co curricular activities
  • Avoid grouping
  • Evaluate the students honestly

The Role of Students in the Bright Future of Pakistan

      The role of students is of great importance for the bright future of any country.
This is our great fortune that our students are determined, hardworking and talented.
They are busy in their busy work day and night to obtain education of religion, medicine, art, literature, and education related to other fields of life. Our Quaid was very hopeful about them and their role in the future of Pakistan. He loved them very much and addressed to the student community many times during his life.
  We as students have to fulfill many duties for the bright future of our country. Our country is like a machine and we are like its parts. Whether a part is big and small, i has its own importance and plays its own role. Fate of nation is in the hands of its student community. We have to fulfill our duties for the bright future and progress of our nation and country.
    Every work has its own time. And this is a time for students to acquire educations; therefore they should complete their education with great attention and interest.
Because of our command and skills, the progress of our country and nation depends.
So if we succeed , we shall become such a generation on which our coming generation will be proud of.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Our Planet Earth

Earth, our planet is about 4.5 billion years old. Time , like our earth, is in continuous motion, leaving its marks behind just like a great leader or strict teacher has always been leading and teaching us. so we learnt from time and changed our earth from that Old stone Age to our fast moving miraculous planet but in changing our life styles and moving towards luxuries of life we lost the sight of things that are far more important. This paradox of time was beautifully expressed by an anonymous author as,
                     We spend too recklessly
                     Laugh too little
                     Drive too fast
                     Watch TV too much
                     And pray too seldom
  • We have learned how to make living, but not a like
  • We have added years to life, not life to years
  • We have taller buildings but shorter tempers.
  • Wider freeways, but narrower view points.
  • We have been all the way to the moon and back but have trouble crossing the street to meet our neighbors.
  • We have split the atom but not prejudice.
  • We are long on quantity but less in quality.
That's why I propose that do not keep anything for any special occasion as each and every day is unique in is own way and life is not just a game of survival but a chain of enjoyment.
   Do not delay anything that adds laughter and joy to your life. Go and hug your family and friends and let them know how much you love them. Because nobody knows when is it going to be the moment when you see them for the last time.

Saturday 26 March 2011

make my dreams come true

Media and Individual

The role of modern institutions in the 21st century is rapidly changing of which ''media'' enjoys an immense prestige because of it role and character. Dissemination of knowledge is still a problem in the Third World countries which also needs to be up-dated regularly. The complexity of life affirms this assertion as we witness in the daily routine of an individual. The urge to be up-dated paves the way for attainment and the desire to remain in the game is a sign of accomplishment for an individual.
   Knowledge in this perspective may be divided into three levels. Firstly, to know something as per one's requirement: Secondly, the ability to understand what you require and thirdly what one thing must do with the rest of the information.
   I  must clarify out thing from the outset that information is the term which is replacing knowledge. Information to me is a shorter version of knowledge. To know something is the basic question which is strengthened with the development of electronic and print media. The development and all embracing reach of media drastically changed the very thinking of an ordinary person. Thinking and rethinking process among the individuals is never an easy effort and we develop conclusions too soon and too early.these  conclusions are developed in most cases by each group without understanding the common truth and proficiency in that particular area.
The ability to understand the currents of remaining information is also important as Bacon once said. '' Some books are to be swallowed, some to be chewed and some to be digested.''
  This information is always gathered and disseminated with the frame of reference of common
individuals. The target reader/audience/viewer must also have some traits to digest it properly. The basic goal of media should be to provide information. Keeping in view the intellectual level of an individual, another goal should be to-grade his or her level of understanding of the required data. But the second course of action is not easy to achieve which leaves us with no choice but to entrust the institution of ''Media'' to the responsibility of gradual enlightenment.
  The present century is the century of rapid progress and development and media is no exception to this rule. Media is this context plays an effective role both for the individual and society.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Amazing But True

  •  To make just one spoonful of money, bees have to visit about 5000 flowers.
  •  In medieval times the wives used to store their tears in jars while their husbands were away fighting in the crusades. The amount of tears collected was a symbol of the woman's love and devotion to her her husband. Many women cheated by filling the jars with salty water.
  • The 17th king of Poland , John III, was born, crowned, and married on 17th June and he also died on 17th June.
  •  In 1969 a two storied church was built on an oak tree in france.
  • There is a town called ''A'' in sweden.
  •  An English Sentence which includes all the letters of English alphabets is the ''quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog''.
  •  George I, who was the king of England from 1715 to 1725, could not speak English but only German language.
  • Statistics prove that deaf people live longer than hearing people.

Tuesday 22 March 2011


Every person has different views but I think that feudalism is not only the main cause of failure of a society but it also destroys the democracy. It creates autocracy.
        ''Feudalism is a blind law, in which every person is a slave and he is a prisoner of the unjust society's rules. People are bound to spend their lives miserably and have no freedom to decide and think freely. In other words, only few individuals make laws for the whole lot of people and people are bound to follow there laws. Poverty is rampant in such a system.
      In the past many countries were affected by the malaise of feudalism. But Pakistan is still not free from the traces of feudalism. Unfortunately we can witness these traces in the arena of social values , economics setup, education and politics.
  The solution of this deeply entrenched problem is to make people free from the feudalism culture and they should be given proper education so that they should act freely and enjoy the benefits of liberty.
   For this it is essential that people should adhere to the temporal and spiritual values of Islam which can act as a binding force in our fragmented society.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Admission Open to Paradise

Well.....See, are you eligible to enter paradise...
 Eligibility Criteria
i.    Muslim 
ii.   Belief in Allah as well as Holy Prophet (Salla-lahu-alai-hi-wasallam).
iii.  Belief in the Day to Judgment, Angels, Taqdeer and Holy Books.
 Rules and regulations
i.  Admission will be based on open merit.
ii. There will be no self finance scheme.
iii. Reserved seats only for ''Shuhada'' (Martyrs).
iv. Only those will be allowed to enter, who get their cards in their right hands.
 Examination Procedure
i.   Practical examination  in your life time
ii.  Viva will be conducted on the Day of Judgment.
iii. First question will be asked about Sallat (Prayers).
iv. Final merit list will be displayed on the same day.
v.  No supplementary exams will be held.
 This world is an examination hall. You don't know the time when ''Malk-ul-maut'' (The Angel of Death) will take away your answer sheet. In order to make sure your success, you must attempt your paper with great care and must take your practical examination with great concentration. For syllabus, please consul the Holy Quran and Hadith ( Sayings of Muhammad (PBUH). You are much worried about this life, this world is just like a drop and the life of hereafter is like an ocean. Now the choice is your's !
Note:   Just imagine if your name in not in the list of selected candidates. 


  • Sometimes you've many words to say , but sometimes you've nothing to say..
  • Sometimes having sadness, you feel happiness , but sometimes, having happiness, you feel sadness..
  • Sometimes destiny is waiting for you at first step, but sometimes, you wait for all the life to get destiny.
  • Sometimes more time require for making relations but sometimes, only one moment can break all the relations...
  • sometimes, love becomes your life , but sometimes , you've to pay much for getting this life..
  • again i say sometimes...


  • Look back and thank Allah 
  • Look forward and trust Allah 
  • Look around and serve Allah  
  • Look within and find Allah


Saturday 12 March 2011

Millions of Reasons to Thanks ALLAH

Millions of reasons to thanks ALLAH, 
If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the entire world.
If you have money in your wallet, a little change and can go anywhere you want, you are among the top 18% of the worlds wealthy people.
If you woke up this morning with health than illness, you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week and die.
If you can actually READ this message and understood it, you are more fortunate than the 3 billion people in the world who cannot see, cannot read or suffer mental retardation.
Life is notcomplaining about pain from others
It's about a thousand other reasons to thank ALLAH.
Wishing you a blessed life..

Friday 11 March 2011


Memories sometimes behave in a crazy way.

They leave you alone when you are in crowd and when you are alone they stand with you like a crowd.


He is Allah in heavens and on earth.
He has knowledge of all that you hide and all that you reveal.

Friday 4 March 2011

What does a Son Think of His Dad ''Take care''


At  4  years 
My Daddy is Great.

At 6 years 
 My daddy knows everybody.

At 10 years 
My daddy is good but is short tempered.

At 12 years
My daddy was very nice to me when i was Young.

At 14 years
My daddy is getting fastidious.

At 16 years 
My daddy is not in line with the current times.

At 18 years 
My daddy is becoming increasingly cranky.

At 20 years 
Oh! Its becoming difficult to tolerate daddy. wonder how mother puts up with him.

At 25 years
Daddy is objecting to everything.

At 30 years 
It's becoming difficult to manage my son. I was so scared of my father
When I was young.

At 40 years 
Daddy brought me up with so much discipline. Even i should do the same.

At 45 years 
 I am baffled as to how my daddy brought us up.

At 50 years 
my daddy faced so many hardships to bring us up. I am unable to manage A single son.

At 55 years 
My daddy was so far sighted and planned so many things for us. He is one of his kind and ubique.

At 60 years 
My daddy is great 

Thus, it took 56 years to complete the cycle and come back to the 1st.  Stage. 
Realize the true value of Your Parents before its too late.