
Tuesday 12 April 2011

Are We Taking Our Daughters Towards or Away from the Soul of Islam?

We are living in a society where we have to face many internal challenges due to our certain standards. Every now and then, we read a story of a girl who escaped from her house and contracted her marriage in the court. Then, these girls have to live under the custody of any NGO or some of them had to migrate to outside the country.
      Such news tend to portray a very sad picture of our society and we should not blame anyone for this. Instead , the need of the time is to pinpoint certain aspects that are causing these dangers.
     Majority of these girls belong to such families that are very strict in terms of their religion and show no flexibility as far as their mindset is concerned. They never give any confidence or trust to their daughters nor they share the realities of outside world with them. The more you keep them away from this rapidly growing world, more are the chances for such incidents to occurs. Isolation is not the solution instead it could be a reason for this problem.
   Why not give them the right of dignity and confidence. Let them move in this world within the actual and true context of Islam. If Islam vows equal tights to man and woman seek knowledge, then who are we to cause hurdles in their way. If a woman from the era of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) can conduct her own business then who are we to restrict them in our society.
   Beings a Pakistani, I am of the view that if we want to flourish then we have to trust our female folk. Rules are made for mankind but the mankind in not made for the rules.
We just have to follow the actual context of Islam and then let us see how easy and  beautiful the life will be for us.

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