
Thursday 28 April 2011

CNG (tank) Blast at Mirpur khas!!!!

Height of Communication Gap

Height of communication gap. . . . . . . 

Mr. Gupta comes home one night, and his wife throws her arms around his 
neck: '' I have great news: I'm a month overdue. I think we're going to  have a baby!

The doctor gave me a test today, but until we find out for 
sure, we can't tell anybody.''

The next day, Mrs. Gupta receives a telephone call from Electric Company

because the electricity bill has not been paid. ''Am I speaking to Mr's Gupta?''

'' Yes. . . . . Speaking''

guy,'' you're a month overdue, you know!''

''How do you know?'' stammers the young woman.

'' well,  ma'am, it's in our files!'' says the guy.

''What are you saying: It's in your files . . . . HOW ???''

''Yes. . . . . . . . . . . . . We have a system of finding out who's overdue ''

'' GOD !!!!!!!!!. . . . . .  this is too much. . . . . . . ''

''Madam , I am sorry . . . . . . . I am following orders. . . .  I have to inform you
are overdue''

'' I know that . . . . . let me talk to my husband about this tonight.

. . . . . . .  he will speak to your company tomorrow ''

that night, she tells her husband about the visits, and he, mas as a bull, rushes to Electric company's office the next day morning.

'' What's going on? You have it on file that my wife is a month overdue?

What business is that of yours:'' the husband shouts.

'' just calm down , '' says the lady at the reception at Electric Company ,

''it's nothing serious. All you have to do is pay us. .''

'' PAY  you? and if I refuse?''

''well, in that case, sir, we'd have no option but to cut yours off.''

''And what would my wife do then?'' the husband asks.

''I don't know. I guess she's have to a 

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Be very Specific


May all members of staff please note that there will Only be one drink per person at this year's Annual Party.

And please bring your own cup!

Company Management
And what happened at the annual party!!! (Scroll down)

 The specifications were missing in the memo (size of cup)

Moral of the Story: Be very specific in your daily life. 

Monday 25 April 2011

Lesson to all brainees!!!

It was a sports stadium. Eight children were standing on the track to participate in the running event

*Ready! * steady! * bang!!!
With the sound of toy pistol, all eight girls started running. Hardly have they covered ten to fifteen steps, one of the smaller girls slipped
And fell down, Due to bruises and pain she started crying. When other seven girls heard this sound, stopped running , stood for a while and turned back.they all ran back to the place where the girl fell down.

One among them bent, picked and kissed the girl gently and enquired 'Now pain must have reduced'. All seven girls lifted the fallen girl, pacified her, two of them held the girl firmly and then all seven joined hands together and walked together and reached the winning post...

Official were shocked. Clapping of thousands of spectators filled the stadium.
Many eyes were filled with tears and perhaps it had reached the GOD even!
YES This happened in Hyderabad {India}
The sport was conducted by National Institute of Mental Health.
All these special girls had come to participate in this event and they were mentally retarded challenged.
What did they teach this world 
Teamwork ?
humanity ?
Equality among all ????
Successful people help others who are slow in learning so that they are not Felt far behind. This is really a great message 
We can't do this ever because we have brains!!!!!   

Thursday 21 April 2011



 Here are some men and women 
    who mocked ALLAH

Tancredo Neves ( President of Brazil):

During the Presidential campaign, he said if  he got 500,000 votes from his party, not even ALLAH  would remove him from presidency.

Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before bring made president, then he died.
Cazuza ( Bi-sexual Brazilian composer,singer and poet):

During A show in Canecio (Rio de Janeiro),

while smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air and said: ALLAH,that's for you.'

 He died at the age of 32 LUNG CANCER in a horrible manner.

  The man who built the titanic

After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic wouldbe:
  With an ironic tone he said:

'Not even ALLAH  can sink it'

the result:i think you all know what happened to the Titanic

 Bon Scott (Singer)

  The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC.
On one of his  1978 songs he sang:

Don't stop me; I'm going down all the way, way the highway to hell'.

On the 19th of February 1980,Bon Scott was found dead he had been choked by his own vomit.

In campaign, Brazil a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend...

The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the drunkenness of her fiends and she said to the daughter holding her hand, who was already seated in the car:

My daughter, Go With ALLAH And May He Protect You.'

She responded; 'Only If He (God) Travels In The Trunk. Cause Inside here.... It's Already Full'

Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident,everyone had died,

The car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but surprisingly, the trunk was intact.

The police said there was no way the trunk could have remained intact. To their surprise, inside the truk was a crate of eggs, none was broken

    Pass this message

Hope that you don't ignore and let Allah bless you.
And remember seek Him whilst He may be found!!!

?Do not walk proudly on the earth; your feet cannot tear apart the earth nor are you as tall as the mountains
       (Holy Qur?an,17:37).''
?He (Allah)does not love the proud ones
    (Holy Qur?an).''

?Is not hell the dwelling of the arrogant anes?
  (Holy Qur?an)

leave alone those who take their religion to be mere play and amusement, and are deceived by the life of this world. But proclaim (to them) this (truth): that every soul delivers itself to ruin by its own acts: it will find for itself no protector or intercessor expect Allah.If it offered every ransom, (or reparation), none will be accepted: such is (the end of) those who deliver themselves to ruin by their own acts:  they will have for drink (only) boiling water, and for punishment, one most grievous: for they persisted in rejecting Allah. { Holy Qur?an, 6:70}


Wednesday 20 April 2011

Something True

The ultimate measure of a man is
not where he stands in moments
of comfort and convenience,
but where he stands at times of
challenge and controversy.

The man who follows the crowd
will usually get no further than
   the crowd.
The man who walks alone is
likely to find himself in places
no one has ever been.
  ( Alan Ashley)

One machine can do the
combined work of one extraordinary
There is no machine that can
do the work of one extraordinary

Creativity is allowing yourself
to make mistakes. Art is to
know which ones to keep.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Wrong Track

I am on the wrong track

therefore, i want to go back

No doubt I was in wrong

But you also made my belief strong

Then you left me with a smack

Therefore, I was to go back

I thought that love is benign

Just I am yours and you are mine

This very illusion got me trapped

Therefore, I want to go back

I was tired but i fought

But your memories never depart

I am still carrying them in a sack

Therefore, I was to go back

He always treated me like a foe

Yet he saw me off with a bow

This undue kindness took me aback

Therefore, I want to go back

I am on the wrong track

Therefore, i want to go back

Women:A Poem

Women is a mother and creator
   a theme of a dream
   A shelter and protector
   A source of temptation
And a link between generations
Her face has thousand images
 Her tale in the thousand images
Home will be doomed without women 
 Lives will be naught without women
When a girl, is a pearly
As a mother, is a lull
As a sister, is a grace
As a wife, is a praise 
As a worker, is great

Monday 18 April 2011


Interesting story

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well.
The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.
Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway;
it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.
He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him.
They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt (MUD) into the well.
At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly.
Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.
A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well.
He was astonished at what he saw.
With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing.
He would shake it off and take a step up.
As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal,
he would shake it off and take a step up.
Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey
stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted (RAN) off!
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt.
The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up.
Each of our troubles is a stepping stone.
We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up!
Shake it off and take a step up.

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.
2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happens.
3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less from people but more from God.
  You have two and close this page,
or pass this along to someone else to share the lesson ....... I did!!


How culture develops-A special tribute to Pakistanis and ofcourse Indians!!!

Friday 15 April 2011

The Letter "Z" Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet..

Surprising as it sounds, it looks like the English alphabet will be losing one of its letters on June 1st. The announcement came from the English Language Central Commission (ELCC).

Here is a quote from the press release:

After carefully considering and debating the matter for over two years, the ELCC came to the conclusion that the letter “Z” should be removed from the English alphabet. The main objective of this change is to simplify the phonetic aspect of the language, and to unify the American and British spellings.

What will happen to the words that have the letter “z” in them? It depends on the word. According to the ELCC, words that started with a “z” will now start with an “x”. Examples include:

·                       zero becomes xero
·                       zoo becomes xoo
·                       zone becomes xone
·                       zodiac becomes xodiac

Words that featured a “z” with the “s” sound, on the other hand, will now be officially written with the “s” (i.e., unifying the American and British spelling). Examples include:

·                       visualize becomes visualise
·                       analyze becomes analyse
·                       materialize becomes materialise

What do you think about this change? Will it really simplify the English language, or will it make things more confusing?

Thursday 14 April 2011

Golden Words

  • Knowledge is the best weapon to conquer the world
  • The more sympathy you give, the less you need.
  • Truth exists, only lies are invented.
  • As long as you live. keep learning how to live.
  • All we know is that we know nothing.
  • The less you talk, the more you listen too.
  • A useless life is an early death.
  • Books are just like friends, they should be few and all well chosen.

Tuesday 12 April 2011


* I have come to the conclusions that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. 
(General Charles De Gawlle)

* There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.
(Aldous Huxley)

* Nothing in life is to be feared, it's only to be understood.
(Marie Curie)

*Thought is the blossom, language the bud, action the fruit behind.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

* Facts don't cease to exist because they are ignored. (Aldous Huxley)

Are We Taking Our Daughters Towards or Away from the Soul of Islam?

We are living in a society where we have to face many internal challenges due to our certain standards. Every now and then, we read a story of a girl who escaped from her house and contracted her marriage in the court. Then, these girls have to live under the custody of any NGO or some of them had to migrate to outside the country.
      Such news tend to portray a very sad picture of our society and we should not blame anyone for this. Instead , the need of the time is to pinpoint certain aspects that are causing these dangers.
     Majority of these girls belong to such families that are very strict in terms of their religion and show no flexibility as far as their mindset is concerned. They never give any confidence or trust to their daughters nor they share the realities of outside world with them. The more you keep them away from this rapidly growing world, more are the chances for such incidents to occurs. Isolation is not the solution instead it could be a reason for this problem.
   Why not give them the right of dignity and confidence. Let them move in this world within the actual and true context of Islam. If Islam vows equal tights to man and woman seek knowledge, then who are we to cause hurdles in their way. If a woman from the era of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) can conduct her own business then who are we to restrict them in our society.
   Beings a Pakistani, I am of the view that if we want to flourish then we have to trust our female folk. Rules are made for mankind but the mankind in not made for the rules.
We just have to follow the actual context of Islam and then let us see how easy and  beautiful the life will be for us.

Sunday 10 April 2011


The goal of yesterday will be the starting point of tomorrow.
There is nothing so costly as ignorance.
(Horace Mann)
No man can be called friendless when he has Allah and the companionship of good books.
(Elizabeth Browing)
If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you do not, you will find an excuse.
(Jim Rohn)
Constant effort and frequent mistakes are the stepping stone to genius.
(Elbert Hubbard)
The two most engaging powers of an author are to make new things familiar, and familiar things new.
Pride that dines on vanity sups on contempt.
(Benjamin Frankline)
There is however, a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue.
(Edmund Burke)
The more you have knowledge, the better is the luck.
(Philippines Proverb)


       1. The ink of scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr. ( Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W)

        2. He is great who is not greatly good  (Shakespeare)

           3. There is no darkness but ignorance. (Shakespeare)
4.Change your pleasure but do not change your friends. (Voltraine) 
5.All great men came out of middle classs. (Emesson)
6.Life is long if you know how to use it . (Franklin)
       7.Education beings with life. ( Seneca)

             8.Reduction is chief defense of nation. (Burke)

Tuesday 5 April 2011


Love :-             Misunderstanding between two fools.
Marriage :-      Beings with love & ends with fight.
Joke :-             A form of humour enjoyed by some but misunderstood by others.
Peace :-          A period after war for preparation of another war.
Education :-    A great folly.
Sense :-          Not present in younger generation.
Gold :-             Soul of women.
Secret :-          What everyone tells to everyone in whisper but not allowed.

Newly Explored Definations

For ages, students have been compelled to study certain subjects. Definitions of these subjects presented subsequently and the outcome of assiduous research and conceptual facts are being presented for your 'enlightenment'.
To study why things fall downwards, not upwards.
To study ''WHO'' is animal and ''WHO'' is plant.
To learn to break maximum test tubes in minimum time.
To find out why 2+2=4 not 5.
The art of spending Rs.100 out of total Rs.100 and yet save Rs. 100.
Political science
It teaches you to say what you don't mean and never to say what mean.
To say how the Kings managed to fight without any reason like bad boys.
Shh! Prohibited area, where angles fear to tread. To learn ''Put'' is not '' Pat'' and ''But'' is not ''Bat''.
Study to realize what we are.
A complete training programme for writing a love letter.
Environmental Sciences
To study that pollution is due to wrappers not because of us.
Pakistan studies
An introduction to a jumble of events and dayes that never tally with one another.
Business Administration
To learn 1+1=11 not 2.

Saturday 2 April 2011

a Father's Instruction for Life: An Extract from '' The Reader's Digest''

1.   Compliment three people each day.
2.   Watch a sunrise, at least, once a year.
3.   Look people in the eye.
4.   Say thank you a lot.
5.   Live beneath your means.
6.   Treat everyone you meet as you want to be treated.
7.   Donate two units of blood every year.
8.   Make new friends but cherish the old ones.
9.   Keep secrets.
10. Do not waste time learning the ''tricks of the trade'' instead learn the trade.
11. Admit your mistakes.
12. Be brave. Even if you are not, pretend to e so. No one can tell the difference.
13. Choose a charity in your community and support it generously with your time and money.
14. Use credit card only for convenience; never for credit.
15. Never cheat.
16. Give yourself a year and read the Holy Quran part to part.
17. Learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly.
18. Never take action when you are angry.
19. Have good posture. Enter a room with purpose and confidence.
20. Pray not for things, but for wisdom and courage.
21. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all he or she has.
22. Don't discuss business in elevators. you never know who may over hear you.
23. Never pay for work before it's completed.
24. Be willing to lose a battle in order to win the war.
25. Don't gossip.
26. Be aware of the person who has nothing to lose.
27. When facing a difficult task, act as though ''it is impossible to fail''.
28. Don't spread yourself too him. Learn to say No, politely and quickly.
29. Don't expect ;ofe to be fair.
30. Never underestimate the power of forgiveness.
31. Instead of using the word problems try substituting the word opportunity.
32. Regarding furniture and clothes: if you think you'll be using them five years or longer  buy the best you can afford.
33. Never walk out on a quarrel with your wife.
34. Be bold and courageous when you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
35. Forget committees. New. noble, world-charming ideas always come from one person working alone.
36. Street musicians area treasure. Stop for a moment and listen, then leave a small donation.
37. When faced with a serious health problem, get at least three medical opinions.
38. Wage war against littering.
39. After encountering inferior service, food or products, bring it to the attention of the person in charge. Good manners will appreciate knowing.
40. Don't procrastinate . Do when it needs to be done.